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EAC Marking | 13 Jan 2015 | |

EAC Marking

EAC is the abbreviation for Eurasian Conformity. The mark is used in the states of the customs union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) similar to the European CE mark. A manufacturer or supplier, who adds this mark to his product, declares

  • that the machine or product has passed all required conformity procedures in a member state of the customs union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan), and
  • that the machine or product meets all technical requirements requested in the member states of the customs union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan).

The technical regulations (TR) of the customs union show references to standards. Manufacturers can meet the requirements by using these standards.

Regulations relevant Kollmorgen products:

  • Low voltage (TP TC 020/2011)
  • EMC (TP TC 004/2011)


Basic requirements for usage of the EAC mark:

  • The mark must be placed on every product unit, packaging or add-on document.
  • The mark must be well visible.
  • The mark must be readable.
  • The mark must be single color coded.
  • The mark must have a contrast color to the background.
  • The mark must be fixed durable.
  • The size of the mark should be not less than 5 mm

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