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Kollmorgen Support Network

Nameplate S700 | 26 May 2011 | |

Nameplate S700



2D Bar Code Definition 

Valid for:

  • S701-724 from March 1st, 2011
  • S748/772 from January 1st, 2011
  S701 ... 772  
Line 1 Device Daycode with 4 digit part number
Line 2 Power PCBA Digital (S748/772) Daycode with 4 digit part number
Line 3 Power stage (S748-772) Serial number
Line 4 Power PCBA Analog (S701-724) Daycode with 4 digit part number
Line 5 Backplane Daycode with 4 digit part number
Line 6 Power Connector Board Daycode with 4 digit part number
Line 7 Display Daycode with 4 digit part number
Line 8 Safetycard Serial number
Line 9 Option Cards Daycode with 4 digit part number
Line 10 Option Cards Daycode with 4 digit part number

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