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AKM 52H. F421, n309 | 28 Mar 2022 | |

AKM 52H. F421, n309

 I've the following Motor: AKM 52H-ANDNCA00 with SFD3( resolver HAROMAX FP00162). AKD got  F421 - SFD position sensor fault. I removed resolver with the circuit board from motor and inserted new feedback device - encoder Sick dfs. I installed it on  connector X9 of AKD, configured motor and encoder in Workbench (disable autoset and select motor AKM52H-ANDN1-00. Feedback2 Mode-0). After this I got a fault n309 - Motor I2t load. reduce load. What I did wrong? I checked parameters of motor, it is Ok. Help please

Comments & Answers

toddevans01 said ...

toddevans01 |

We do not authorize field repairs of AKM motors including the replacement of the feedback device.

Only Kollmorgen repair technicians may open a motor up and work on it internally.

I recommend you contact your Kollmorgen supplier for a RMA ( repair authorization ) and have the motor repaired by Kollmorgen.


A footnote is that we align our feedback devices such the commutation offset MOTOR.PHASE is zero.

By taking off the original feedback and putting on your own the alignment of the feedback has changed.

You can try to run a commutation alignment test on the Wake & Shake screen to determine the correct commutation angle.

However, the recommendation is to have the motor repaired by Kollmorgen.



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