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How to Query S300 and S700 Current Faults | 17 Nov 2015 | |

How to Query S300 and S700 Current Faults

There are two parameters that can be used to query the S300 or the S700 drive's faults: ERRCODE or STATUS.


As an example, I removed my feedback cable from an S300 demo.

These Faults were read back from the drive using ERRCODE:

ERR 4 feedback !!
ERR 6 motor temperature !!
ERR 8 overspeed !!

The STATUS command can also be used to query the S300 or the S700 drive faults:

The STATUS command returns the detailed status information in the form of  5 status variables in hexadecimal format.
Word no. 2 Format Hxxxx
Bits 0 ... 31 fault variable (see ERRCODE*) in the ACSII reference quide.

This STATUS command was read back from the drive:

H000A H000000A8 H0000 H0000 H0000

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