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Kollmorgen Support Network

AKD1G Reading Faults Over Ethernet IP >

Discussion on methods for reading faults over Ethernet IP.

AKD2G Ethernet IP Support Files and Getting Started >

This document provides details on how to find support files and documentation for AKD2G Ethernet IP

AKD1G vs AKD2G EtherNet/IP Command and Response Assembly Structure >

The following chart demonstrates the differences in byte allocation for the command and response assemblies for the AKD1G and AKD2G EtherNet/IP drives.

What is a Subnet Mask? >

A subnet mask is a bit mask used to define a subnet of an Ethernet network.  It acts like a filter to only allow devices with certain IP addresses to communicate. Subnets are used to specify which devices can communicate with which other…

AKD2G Ethernet IP Command Type 0x08-Velocity Setpoint  >

This application note demonstrates the command type 0x08-Velocity Setpoint on the AKD2G Ethernet IP drive.

AKD2G Standard EtherNet/IP and CIP Sync Landing Page >

The AKD2G Ethernet/IP Landing Page provides supplementary application notes related to AKD2G Ethernet IP.

AKD EtherNet/IP to Omron PLCs >

AKD Ethernet/IP and Omron

AKD EtherNet/IP Video Series >

This video series comprises of 16 videos as a complete training on AKD Ethernet IP Communications. Videos 1 though 7 are essential and the remaining videos can be viewed in order or the user can pick and choose a topic of interest or one that…

How To Resolve Potential Issues When Importing Data Types for AKD-P EtherNet/IP >

This article demonstrates potential issues seen when users attempt to import the data types that the AOIs are codependent on and how to resolve them. This applies to the use of the AKD-P EtherNet/IP motion tasking drive ( AKD-P-NxEI ) and the…
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