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Kollmorgen Support Network

What is a Subnet Mask? >

A subnet mask is a bit mask used to define a subnet of an Ethernet network.  It acts like a filter to only allow devices with certain IP addresses to communicate. Subnets are used to specify which devices can communicate with which other…

Connecting Motion Control in the Factory >

The attached paper reviews options that are available for Ethernet and non-Ethernet connections within a motion controller. It begin with a summary of what information can be transferred in and out of the motion controller followed by network and…

Ethercat Overview - Kollmorgen AKD-P and AKD-PDMM >

The attached PowerPoint covers the following subjects: •Why Use Kollmorgen Ethercat ? •Basic Principles and Capabilities •Communication Overview •AKD Implementation •PDMM Implementation

PxMM: Sending and Receiving Variable values via UDP >

The udpSendToVar and udpRcvFromVar functions  (starting in soon to be released KAS version 2.11)can be use to read and write variables via UDP to and from a PxMM.  The other device can be a PDMM or a third party device. In this example, for…

Stepper Slice IO module EL-7031 in a KAS ECAT Network >

Table of Contents Product Control Panel Ethercat Setup Example Operation Motor Specifications

Ethernet Networking Simplified >

Setting up an Ethernet network can be frustrating if you don’t understand the basics.  A network is just the communication connection between two or more devices.  These devices can be computers, PLC’s, servo drives, HMI’s, sensors,…

Rotating Switches >

Valid for AKD

Ethernet >

General Ethernet is a cable based data network technology for local data networks (LANs). It enables data exchange in the form of data frameworks between all attached devices in a local area network (LAN) (computers, printers and…
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