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Kollmorgen Support Network

Feedback Accuracy (S700) | 13 Aug 2014 | |

Feedback Accuracy (S700)

Valid for S700, S300 (HWR >=4.00)

  Resolver, 2-pole Resolver, 6-pole EnDAT Singleturn 2048 Lines/rev EnDAT Multiturn 512 Lines/rev EnDAT EQI Multiturn
32 Lines/rev
Sine Encoder
ENCLINES is power of 2
Sine Encoder
ENCLINES between 257 to 65535

Position absolute

± 1/8000 rev.

± 1/16000 rev.

± 1/64800 rev.

± 1/21600 rev.

± 1/3240 rev.

per Pole Pitch

per Pole Pitch

Position Repeatability

± 1/16000 rev.

± 1/32000 rev.

± 1/524288 rev.

± 1/131072 rev.

± 1/6480 rev.

per Pole Pitch

per Pole Pitch

Feedback Resolution with PRBASE = 16

1/65536 rev.
(16 Bit)

1/65536 rev.
(16 Bit)

1/65536 rev.
16 Bit)

1/65536 rev.
(16 Bit)

1/65536 rev.
(16 Bit)

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 65536

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 65536

Feedback Resolution with PRBASE = 20

1/262144 rev.
(18 Bit)

1/524288 rev. (19 Bit)

1/1048576 rev. (20 Bit)

1/1048576 rev.
(20 Bit)

1/131072 rev.
(17 Bit)

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 1048576 pro Pole Pitch

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 1048576 per Pole Pitch

Feedback Resolution with PRBASE = 24

1/262144 rev.
(18 Bit)

1/524288 rev. (19 Bit)

1/8388608 rev.
(23 Bit)

1/2097152 rev.
(21 Bit)

1/131072 rev.
(17 Bit)

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 16777216 per Pole Pitch

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 16777216 per Pole Pitch, lower 4 Bit allways low

Feedback Resolution with PRBASE = 28

1/262144 rev.
(18 Bit)

1/524288 rev. (19 Bit)

1/8388608 rev.
(23 Bit)

1/2097152 rev.
(21 Bit)

1/131072 rev.
(17 Bit)

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 268435456 per Pole Pitch

max. ENCLINES 4096, limited to 268435456 per Pole Pitch, lower 8 Bit allways low

Velocity Ripple (dw/dt)

± 1.5 rpm at very low Speed, 0.5% at high Speed

± 1 rpm at very low Speed, 0.3% at high Speed

± 0.5 rpm at very low Speed, 0.25% at high Speed

± 0.5 rpm at very low Speed, 0.25% at high Speed

± 1.0 rpm at very low Speed, 0.25% at high Speed



Practical max. Encoder Emulation 1)

4096 Lines / rev.

3072 Lines / rev.
3 zero marker / rev.

262144 Lines / rev.

65536 Lines / rev.

2048 Lines / rev.

max. ENCLINES 128

max. ENCLINES 128

1) Note: Maximum output frequency is 2 MHz

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