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24Vdc power supplies | 12 Feb 2015 | |

24Vdc power supplies


I have a customer who wanted to buy everything from Kollmorgen including the 24Vdc power supplies for logic, my understanding is that is about the only thing you do not offer unless I missed it somewhere? I did see 24V AKT modules but thought that may not be the right direction for the customer since they only wanted the 24Vdc to power the STO, enable, and a few other I/O on the X7 and X8 connectors on an AKD-T. They have single phase 120Vac available.


Comments & Answers

Dan.Wolke@Koll… said ...

Dan.Wolke@Koll… |

We don't offer 24V power supplies.  I don't have any brand that I would recommend.  I have found that it's best to over size the supply.  When I use a supply who's max current is right at my application requirements, the supply is stressed and any transient on the 120V line will damage it.

jcoleman02 said ...

jcoleman02 |

We do not offer 24VDC power supplies.  You will have to source that elsewhere.

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