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Commissioning of Unknown Hall Motors with the S300 | 19 Feb 2015 | |

Commissioning of Unknown Hall Motors with the S300

Commissioning of Unknown Hall Motors with the S300

  1. Find out the hall counting direction  HALLDIR

         MPOLES 0       Set no. of motor poles to 0

         OPMODE 2      Current mode

         T 0.5                Command 0.5 amps of current

  1. Set MPHASE to following values: 30, 90,120,150,210,270,330

          After every single setting of MPHASE, read the value of Hall-Segments with “M SR_HALL”

          For example:

          M SR_HALL [SYSTEM]  0200000A   WORD = 0x0001

          The hall segment number is  1 (0x0001)

          There are 2 sequences of hall segment numbers possible:

          a) 1,5,4,6,2,3   for positive direction   HALLDIR=0

          b) 1,3,2,6,4,5   for negative direction  HALLDIR=1

          set the parameter HALLDIR to 0 for positive direction or to 1 for negative direction.

  1. Find out the counting direction of the position feedback PFB

          Turn the motor by hand without current. Check the values of PFB.

          The PFB values should be bigger when the direction of rotation is positive (clockwise - looked upon the motor shaft). If the direction is negative, it can be changed by DIR command (only for pulse encoders).

  1. Find out MPHASE:

         MPHASE 90

         MSG 2

         PFB       The second number (with 3 decimal places) is the angle e.g. 153.237.

        Multiply angle with no. of pole pairs, e.g. 153.237 x 3 = 459.711. Subtract 360 until the result is a value between 0 and 359. The rounded value is the value for MPHASE:

        459,711 – 360 = 99,711  => MPHASE = 100

  1. Save the value with the command SAVE.

          For example:

          Settings for AKM-Motors:  DIR=1, MPHASE=0, HALLDIR=0

hall-mphase.doc (108.5 KB)

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Frank Peifer