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Setup of EtherCAT Master To Run An AKD In “DS402: Profile Torque Mode” | 01 Nov 2016 | |

Setup of EtherCAT Master To Run An AKD In “DS402: Profile Torque Mode”

Revision: October 20, 2016
Valid with: AKD Firmware and later


The ESI file for the AKD drive (AKD.XML) sets Interpolated Position as the default configuration.  Many customers want to use different configurations from the default.  It’s impossible to give instruction how to setup every EtherCAT master available on the market but the actual setup data will be almost the same every time.

Although torque control of the drive doesn’t need them, the following settings includes the analog I/O and digital I/O objects to demonstrate the setup flexibility.

This setup requires that the EtherCAT Master has a flexible mapping function available; the ability to select what data is to be shared every update cycle.


Drive’s CoE Objects mapped to PDOs in this example

CoE Master to Drive (TXPDO):

  • Control Word, 0x6040
  • Target Torque, 0x6071
  • Analog output, 0x3470sub3
  • Digital outputs, 0x60FEsub1

Drive to CoE Master (RXPDO):

  • Status Word, 0x6041
  • Position feedback, 0x6064
  • Analog Input, 0x3470sub4
  • Digital Input, 0x60FDsub0

SDO Run-up script to configure the drive

Step Index Data (Hex) Description
1 0x1C12 0x00 Clear sm PDO
2 0x1C13 0x00 Clear sm PDO
3 0x1A00:00 0x00 Clear TX-PDO1
4 0x1A00:01 0x60410010 Map status word to TX-PDO1
5 0x1A00:02 0x60640020 Map position feedback to TX-PDO1
6 0x1A00:00 0x02 Two items mapped to TX-PDO1
7 0x1A01:00 0x00 Clear TX-PDO2
8 0x1A01:01 0x60FD0020 Map digital I/O to TX-PDO2
9 0x1A01:02 0x34700410 Map Analog I/O to TX-PDO2
10 0x1A01:00 0x02 Two items mapped to TX-PDO2
11 0x1A02:00 0x00 Disable TX-PDO3
12 0x1A03:00 0x00 Disable TX-PDO4
13 0x1600:00 0x00 Clear TX-PDO1
14 0x1600:01 0x60400010 Map control word to RX-PDO1
15 0x1600:02 0x60710010 Map Target Torque to RX-PDO1
16 0x1600:00 0x02 Two items mapped to RX-PDO1
17 0x1601:00 0x00 Clear RX-PDO2
18 0x1601:01 0x34700310 Map Analog I/O to RX-PDO2
19 0x1601:02 0x60FE0120 Map Digital I/O to RX-PDO2
20 0x1601:00 0x02 Two items mapped to RX-PDO2
21 0x1602:00 0x00 Clear RX-PDO3
22 0x1603:00 0x00 Clear RX-PDO4
23 0x1C12:01 0x1600 Register RX-PDO1
24 0x1C12:02 0x1601 Register RX-PDO2
25 0x1C12:00 0x02 Two RX-PDOs to be loaded
26 0x1C13:01 0x1A00 Register TX-PDO1
27 0x1C13:02 0x1A01 Register TX-PDO2
28 0x1c13:00 0x02 Two TX-PDOs to be loaded
29 0x6060 0x04 Profile torque mode
30 0x60C2:01 0x01 1mS update rate
31 0x60C2:02 0xFD Update rate exponent (always 0xFD)
32 0x60FE:02 0x00030001 Digital output mask
33 0x35CA:00 0x00100000 UNIT.PIN
34 0x35CB:00 0x00000001 UNIT.POUT
35 0x3660:00 0x00000003 UNIT.PROTARY

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