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Kollmorgen Support Network

Insquiry about S200 FBDivisor setting >

Hello.   Currently, I am trying to drive a DD Motor with a BiSS-C encoder, but I have the following problem. The setting range of S200 FBDivisor is 1 to 4294967295. By the way, if you enter a value of 4294967295 and press OK, the actual…

Inquiries regarding BiSS-C support from AKD >

Hello.   I have a question regarding BiSS-C setup. The encoder model used is Aksim-2 from RLS, and the model name is MB080DCC20BDNT00. I tried setting it referring to the…

Resolving Servo Feedback Choices >

This PowerPoint presentation explains the differences between different types of servo motor feedback devices, including: The differences between absolute and incremental devices. The differences between analog and digital devices. Typical…

Cable length compensation S300 + BISS C Renishaw >

Good day! I need help with tuning my Digital Servo Amplifier SERVOSTAR 300. I use self-developed rotary motor + AksIM off-axis rotary absolute encoder (Renishaw) with BiSS-C interface + Kollmorgen S306. This set of components…

AKD Biss-C feedback compatibility. >

Hi, Kollmorgen team I'm planning to use AKD and Zettlex Biss-C feedback sensor together. WorkBench shows  Biss-C renishaw on the feedback selection screen. Is it compatible only with Renishaw's BISS-C sensor? I am…

BiSS-C >

BiSS-C is a digital encoder protocol that permits a wide range of possible formats. The AKD supports the most common BiSS-C format, and can only guarantee support for the encoders listed in "Documented BiSS-C Encoders". To determine if a BiSS-C…
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