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Kollmorgen Support Network

AKD2G Actions Used for AC Mains Switch-Off after Controlled Stop >

The controlled motion of any given axis of a machine will require the AC mains to be dropped after completion of an emergency-stop (NEC - Category 1).  The necessary NEC stop category is determined based on the machine builder’s safety…

Emergency Brake of Permanent Magnet Servo Motors >

Emergency Stops The Back EMF (BEMF) of a Permanent Magnet Servo motor is commonly used to quickly stop a mechanism as a result of a power failure. There are different category of stop modes and this one will address a safe, reliable and less…

Wiring Example with Stop Category 2 >

The machine receives an operational stop (disable) command and brakes the drive using the set braking ramp (STOPMODE and ACTFAULT parameters set to 1).

Wiring Example Emergency Stop with Stop Category 1 >

Bringing the motor to a standstill by interrupting the mains supply and using controlled electronic braking (STOPMODE and ACTFAULT parameters set to 1). The 24 V supply for the servo amplifier must remain constant.

Wiring Example Emergency Stop with Stop Category 0 >

Bringing the motor to a standstill by immediately switching off the amplifier power supply (STOPMODE and ACTFAULT parameters set to 1). The switching sequence is precisely determined by this circuit in order to avoid undesirable fault messages and…

AKD Controlled Stop and Holding Brake Timing >

Table of Contents Description Configuration Functionality Digital Input: Deceleration:

Stop and Emergency Stop Function >

Valid for AKD, S300, S400, S600, S700
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