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Hybrid connector motor M23 >

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Power Connector S300 - S700 >

   Used with  S300, voltage type 230V S400   Used with 

Hybrid Cables >

Technical data of hybrid cables depends upon the cable material. US cables have different data from EU cables.

Hybrid Motor Connector AKD-N >

View Contact Socket Dimensions Technical Data   Power

Hybrid Connector Washdown Motor M23 >

View Contact Socket Contacts Lamella Clamp Dimensions Pinout Power & SFD AKM2 - AKM6 (Feedback codes C-)

Power Connector Motor M40, 8-poles >

View Contact Socket Contacts Lamella Clamp Dimensions Technical Data   Power

AKD Power Connector >

Used with AKD, voltage type 06, current types 3A and 6A Used with AKD, voltage type 06, current types 12A and 24A, and with AKD voltage types 07, current types 3A to 24A

Power Connector Motor M40, 6-poles >

View Contact socket Contacts Lamella Clamp Dimensions Pinout

Power Connector Motor M23 >

View Contact Socket Contacts Lamella Clamp Dimensions Pinout
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