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Kollmorgen Support Network

Supported Linear Feedback Devices for AKD / S300 / S700 >

In order to support linear motors the following linear feedback devices have been tested with our drives:

Using FB2 as position loop feedback >

See attached pdf instructions on setting up FB2 as position loop feedback.  The instructions give a step by step example using the Workbench scope for conformation at each step.

Reference Table AKM Connectors-Feedback >

Connector code (PTC) B C C

S700 EEO Index Pulse Alignment Based on Feedback Device >

S700 EEO Index Pulse Alignment Based on Feedback Device The location of the Emulated Encoder Output (EEO) index pulse (marker pulse) is handled differently for absolute type feedback devices and incremental type feedback devices.  For absolute…

Setup of HALL feedbacks >

Valid for S300, S700

Setting up the AKD to Close Position Loop on an External Encoder >

Setting up the AKD to Close Position Loop on an External Encoder   The AKD drive can accept secondary feedback from an external encoder.  The encoder can be mounted directly to the load or geared to the load in order to get better…

Setup of an Endat or Hiperface or BISS encoder >

Valid for S300, S400, S600, S700

EnDat 2.2 encoder set as a tertiary feedback.  >

Firmware version: M-01-12-01-000 This article explains how to set an EnDat 2.2 encoder as tertiary feedback (FB3) in AKD. The article contains:
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