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Kollmorgen Support Network

KAS Modbus RTU Communications (through AKI terminal) >

The following procedure outlines setting up Modbus RTU communications between the AKI HMI and a third party device.  With a Modbus TCP/IP connection between the PxMM and the same AKI HMI this configuration allows data to be transferred between…

AKD EtherNet/IP Diagnostics and Dynamic Mapping >

Application Note on AKD EtherNet/IP Diagnostics and Dynamic Mapping when used with Contrologix or Compactlogix PLCs.

KAS Network Overview >

The following document outlines the EtherCAT based networks that KAS supports and key parameters that define each of the  network.

AKD CoE Interpolated Position Mapping >

I have attached two screen shots of typical CoE (CanOpen over EtherCAT) mapping for position control using 0x6060 Interpolated position mode (7).  scale is set by FBUS.PSCALE in units of the power of 2.  Default is 2^20 counts/rev of the…

Debugging Intermittent EtherCAT Communication Issues >

The following fault, error, and alarm are each indicative of possible cable or connection problems. F125 on the AKD, "Fieldbus Sync frames lost." E30 in KAS, "EtherCAT communication failure during operational mode." A38 in KAS, "EtherCAT missed…

What Controllers Does The AKD EtherNet/IP Drive Support? >

From the AKD RSLogix Communications Manual: The only AB PLC/controllers we have experience with and support at the moment are: Micrologix 1400 using the MSG block ( explicit messaging only ) Compactlogix and Contrologix ( also supports our AKD…

Using the AKD_Jog Add On Instruction with EtherNet/IP >

The AKD_Jog AOI works differently depending on whether the operation mode is Velocity or Position. In Position Mode motion task 0 is used to load the velocity, accel, decel from the AKD_Jog AOI values in the ladder. Motion Task 0 is set for…

AKD Modbus Addressing and Troubleshooting >

It is important when working with Modbus to establish the addressing conventions in the beginning before programming your Modbus Master ( i.e. PLC, HMI, etc. ) and understand how the master’s addressing convention correlates to the AKD drive’s Modbus…

Verified EtherCAT Masters >

Below you can find a list of different EtherCAT systems (master + drive) that are running in existing applications. These EtherCAT masters from different manufactures are in general supporting the AKD / AKD2G family. This list does not guarantee…
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