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Kollmorgen Support Network

KAS project EtherCAT mapping - S700 Dig Inputs >

The following outlines setting up KAS project to read S700 Digital Inputs into a PxMM program: Through high speed , deterministic PDO channel: Use S700 FW 5.18 or greater Set DRVCNFG3 Bit 16 = 1

Reading a Drive Parameter with AKD EtherNet/IP >

This application note covers the different methods for reading a drive parameter over AKD EtherNet/IP. Since it uses examples such as the MSG block for explicit messaging and AOIs ( add on instructions ) the article is specific to the AB…

Setup of EtherCAT master to run an AKD in “DS402: Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode” >

November 4, 2016 AKD Firmware Objective: We, Kollmorgen, supply an AKD.XML file to be used with the EtherCAT CoE Master.  It has one default configuration, “Interpolated Position”.  Many Customers want to use different…

Dynamic Mapping For AKD Modbus TCP >

 The following application note gives an explanation and examples of implementing Dynamic Mapping for AKD Modbus TCP.

Setup of EtherCAT Master To Run An AKD In “DS402: Profile Torque Mode” >

EtherCAT master configuration for Profile Torque mode.

Restarting the PxMM Motion Engine when an Ethercat Fault occurs >

The status of the Ethercat/motion Engine can be monitored with the MLMotionStatus function block. In a Project with the PLCopen Motion Engine, if the…

Ethercat Overview - Kollmorgen AKD-P and AKD-PDMM >

The attached PowerPoint covers the following subjects: •Why Use Kollmorgen Ethercat ? •Basic Principles and Capabilities •Communication Overview •AKD Implementation •PDMM Implementation

Calculating Actual Motor Torque and Current with PN Motion Engine  >

ECAT  (Ethercat) Object 6077 is part of the standard ECAT PDO mappings to KAS from the AKD drive. From the PDO section tab of an AKD axis in an an IDE project.

EthernetIP Example with PCMM as Scanner and AKD as Adapter >

This article is aimed to get some basic overview of EtherentIP communication with AKD. A variety of controllers are supporting ethernetIP. Irrespective of the controller, if once the communication is alive between the AKD and the controller, rest…
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