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Kollmorgen Support Network

Encoder connector AKD-N >

View Contact socket Dimensions Technical Data Pins 17 (female) Temperature range -20 to 130 °C

Feedback Cables >

Table of Contents General Part Number Scheme Configured Feedback Cables Technical Data for Kollmorgen Feedback Cables

Encoder connector Motor >

View Contact socket Contacts Lamella Clamp Dimensions Pinout

Mating Connectors >

 Table of Contents Power Connectors Motor's end (AKM Pinout) Amplifier's end (pinout: see instruction manual of the drive)

Oversampling >

"Oversampling" means reading important analog values twice with calculating an average value afterwards. This process was already realized in the S300 Drive.

MultiFeedback >

Valid for S300, S400, S600, S700

SSI Encoder Evaluation >

Valid for S300, S700 from FW 2.14 Parameter setup for SSI Encoder evaluation A SSI encoder (absolute encoder) must be setup with these parameters:
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