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Kollmorgen Support Network

AKD Basic Sample Program to Change Index Distance with Modbus >

'-------------- Device Params ----------------------- Params End Params '-------------- Define (dim) Global Variables -------- Dim indexdistance as integer Dim homefound as integer

AKD Basic Sample Program for Indexing and Homing with Home Switch and Limit Switches >

'-------------- Device Params ----------------------- Params End Params '-------------- Define (dim) Global Variables -------- Dim homefound as integer Dim targetposition as integer Dim speed as integer 'speed of initial move to sprayposition Dim…

Teach Position with SFD feedback - PLCopen Motion >

   For KAS applications: -   using the  PLCopen Motion engine -   with a total travel range  of 1 revolution -   that use  a SFD single turn absolute position feedback…

KVB Scripting and System Tags >

Kollmorgen Visualization Builder (KVB) software contains built in System Tags that give users access to information generated in the panel, and has a C# scripting engine that allows them to add custom logic.

AKD Basic Sample Program Homing to Mechanical Hard Stop >

Homing in the AKD Basic must be written into the program.  You can program the homing sequence to do whatever you want it to do.  In this example, it is homing to a mechanical hard stop.  It lowers the current limits to prevent…

Homing in AKD Basic >

The AKD Basic drive does not have a homing procedure like the other AKD drive models.  The homing procedure must be written into the Basic program.  Here is one example of using the Position Capture feature to find the home position.…

PDMM Labeler Application >

The attached documents ,  including the application program, detail using the PDMM controller/amplifier in a label application.

Reading a Thermocouple in units of 0.1 Degrees C in a PxMM Project >

In a KAS project, the following outlines reading a thermocouple temperature in units of 0.1 Degrees C from a AKT-AN-200 or AKT-AN-400 slice I/O module. Note: Reading this note will help you get started working through other AKT thermocouple…

Torque mode control of an axis with KAS Controller >

The attached demo project shows how to control a servo axis with a KAS controller in Torque Mode instead fo the default Position Mode. This project requires a 2.9 release of KAS software and PDMM firmware, which is currently only available in beta…
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